About Brian Vander Waal: My Journey to Your Career Success

Hi there! I’m Brian Vander Waal, and this is my story about my journey from the USA to the UK. It transformed my life and career and the lives and careers of others.
In 2003, I landed in London, a 24-year-old American ready to explore a new world. Today, I’m a seasoned Employment and Careers Consultant, Careers Coach, and Careers Writer. I am passionate about guiding individuals and organisations to navigate the ever-changing job market.
With more than 18 years of international experience in Employment, Learning, and Skills, I specialise in providing expert guidance and support to individuals navigating their career journeys. I am committed to empowering individuals to make the right choices based on sound advice and good labour market information.
That’s why I founded brianvanderwaal.com, a dynamic blog dedicated to navigating the intersection of careers, learning, and the ever-growing influence of AI.
Equipping Myself, Empowering You
My journey began with a Bachelor of Arts degree with honours in the US. I carried out further studies in the UK, where I achieved a Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development. This comprehensive qualification is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree with honours. I pursued this qualification due to my unwavering commitment to offering individuals impartial, high-quality career advice and guidance.

A Unique Perspective
Living and working in the US and UK opened my eyes to their distinct educational systems and work cultures. This experience, my dual qualifications (US Bachelor’s and UK Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance), and European exposure equip me with a unique global perspective to help you chart your career path.
Empowering Individuals for Career Success
It has been my privilege to support thousands of individuals in making informed decisions about their careers. I have empowered individuals with the skills they need to succeed in today’s competitive job market through:
- One-to-one mentoring
- Careers coaching sessions
- Developing innovative employment programs for unemployed people as an Employment and Career Consultant.
I specialise in using AI tools and technologies to enhance job seeker support and facilitate career advancement opportunities.
Beyond Coaching: How I Help Businesses Win in the Future of Work
My expertise extends beyond individual career coaching. I advise employers and companies on effectively utilising software, apps, and AI tools in recruitment and talent management processes.
I am dedicated to:
- Helping organisations harness the power of AI to optimise their hiring strategies
- Enhancing employee engagement
- Fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.
Your Ultimate Career Resource Hub: brianvanderwaal.com
In addition to career coaching and consultancy work, I am also deeply involved in the Careers Writing sphere. My blog, brianvanderwaal.com, aims to share valuable insights, tips, and resources on careers, employment, learning, and AI with my audience.
My blog serves as your ultimate resource hub for actionable advice, whether you are a:
- Person seeking guidance on choosing the right career path
- Job seeker navigating the job application process
- Professional seeking to advance your career
- Employer seeking innovative workforce solutions.
How I Can Help Your Career or Organisation
Let’s connect and explore how I can:
- Assist you in achieving your career goals
- Enhance your organisation’s recruitment and talent management practices.
Together, we can navigate the complexities of the modern job market and unlock opportunities for success. Contact me through this form to book a consultation. You can also connect with me on social media using the below links.
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